Celebrate Every Step Crossover With Widow’s Club

Alexandra Wyman is a mom, author, podcast host of The Widow’s Club formerly of The Russian Sisters, widow, pediatric occupational therapist, executive functioning coach and a dream coach. She currently lives in Colorado with her 3 year old son.

Her business Forward to Joy has the goal to provide tools to help individuals get unstuck whether in their grief process or in life, in order to live a life by design. 

Offering courses accessible online, 1:1 coaching, my book The Suicide Club, a newsletter and blog at www.forwardtojoy.com, and my podcast The Russian Sisters.

A great tool to check out on the website is ‘How To Avoid Energetic Hangover Tips during this holiday season

Follow her on her Instagram Forwardtojoy

Alena & Alexandra will be hosting the

Mind Body Heart and Soul Transformational Retreat

Punxsutawney PA 

The Plantation Inn

November 9th-12th 2023

 retreat link https://tri.ps/netk4 

Process any hurts and Transform Your Life

Conscious Communication 

Journaling & Storytelling

Meditation & Breathwork


& So Much More 

 retreat link https://tri.ps/netk4 


Contact Alena of Celebrate Every Step, LLC, at alenakg33@gmail.com

find me on Facebook Instagram Website & YouTube & TikTok all @ Celebrateeverystep


FB: Celebrateeverystep

IG: Celebrateeverystep

YT: Celebrateeverystep

TikTok: Celebrateeverystep

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