Kendra of Cryptid Ink says, “I am a piercer and up and growing tattoo artist, I have walked through many life paths that have all uniquely landed me where I am today. I dabbled in education in law and psych, coached gymnastics, worked in the health care field, public serving, apprenticeship for piercing, current mentorship in tattooing, managing a previous studio and multiple bar and restaurant settings, minor workings in reiki, tarot and general energy healing. All of these wrapped together along with my unique life long back story have brought me to where I am today and allow me to excel and succeed in my format of the job.”
Standard ear and body piercings, micro dermals, acupuncture styled piercings, ear curations, tattoos of many forms including sigil, ritual, and even offer unique created designs that specialize to your own story. I take pride in my career path and coin my self a stab-apist. It is a whole experience when you sit into my chair, it’s a new wave of therapeutic style services!
Find her here
Insta : kt_puncture
Facebook : Kendra Elizabeth & Cryptid Ink
TikTok : kendraelizabethtr
Contact Alena of Celebrate Every Step, LLC, at
Find me on Facebook Instagram Website YouTube & TikTok all @ celebrateeverystep
Sign up for Celebrate Every Step, LLC email list to keep in touch. You will receive my past life regression guided meditation recording and journal prompts.
But wait there’s more. I will be sharing pop up deals and starting a monthly giveaway of readings, books, decks and crystals.

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